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Vinyl Dip Molding

North American Latex Corp. can provide vinyl dipped parts for a variety of applications including medical devices, industrial handles and vinyl coated metals. We perform custom in-house compounding to ensure that the vinyl properties meet our customers' specifications. We can control durometer, color, clarity and surface characteristics of all of our finished products through the custom tooling and production lines at our facility. Not only can we build final parts from any type of 2D or 3D model file, we can also reverse engineer molds and patterns for dip molding. We are a FDA registered component manufacturer. Please contact us for more information on how North American Latex Corp. can assist you with your dip molding needs.


Dipping Applications

Vinyl dip molding is used to create thin wall, hollow, pliable parts. Large and small parts can be created with dip molding. Here at North American Latex Corp., we specialize in creating vinyl dipped products for the medical industry such as:
  • Bulbs
  • Tubes
  • Stethoscopes
  • Caps
  • Small Bladders
Vinyl is also used for coating metals such as aluminum and stainless steel for industrial applications such as work tool handles and machinery control covers. Vinyl coated products are also used in sporting and health/fitness applications for exercise machinery and other fitness equipment safety coatings.

Thickness Limitations

Vinyl dip molded wall thicknesses and coating thickness can be a minimum of 0.030". Tight thickness tolerances can be held on all parts and coatings due to precise level of control within our production lines. By regulating dip speed and time as well as dry times, all vinyl dipped or coated parts meet our clients' expectations.

Benefits of Dipping Material

Vinyl, or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), is a hard thermoset polymer that will not inflate like latex or neoprene. Custom compounding can result in vinyls with various degrees of hardness and color. We currently manufacture and stock vinyl in:
  • Black
  • Navy Blue
  • Forest Green
  • Burgundy
  • Medium Blue
However, a large range of other colors are available. Various durometers and surface finishes can be achieved with vinyl. Please contact us for more details.

Coating Applications

Vinyl coating is used as a finishing operation for metal products which require protective coatings for abrasion purposes as well as electrical insulation and corrosion resistant applications. Vinyl coated work tool handles can provide ergonomic benefits while vinyl coating sharp product edges can protect against scratching and scraping.

Tooling Specifications

North American Latex Corp. creates custom tooling for our production lines. We customize all aspects of our dipping equipment based on production quantity, production rate and part size and shape. Custom dip molds can be made in a variety of materials including aluminum, stainless steel or plastics- depending on the molded part.

Production Lead Time

For custom made tooling, typical production lead times are 30 days.

Packaging & Shipping Information

All items are inspected as per our customers' specifications by our Quality Control department. We have assembly services ranging from full, in-house fabricated component assemblies to sourcing other parts for complete assembly. Parts can be packaged as per customer specification.

We have drop shipping capabilities as well as storage facilities for JIT (just-in-time) shipping.


·  PVC Knee Bladder

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North American Latex Corporation